Like China, like Chinese vaccine
Made in China products in India, people say that the goods of China do not last long, the quality is not guaranteed. It is written on many shops that there is no guarantee of Chinese goods. Actually this thing is that for two things of Made in China product they are known all over the world Made in China first look quality second low price And it is not that China has not tried to change the image, it has tried many times and the list of such efforts is very long. If we tell you today about China's latest effort, it did about the vaccine, so the whole world knows that the corona virus spread from the city of Wuhan in China. But do you know that China has made three people against this India so far. We tell you the names of all three, the name of the first Chinese vaccine is BBIP- Cor V
It is also CoronaVac this vaccine has been developed by China National Pharmaceutical Group i.e. made by a Chinese government company. The name of the second vaccine, do not take it, waxing, has been named as the three back biotech company of China. This machine is also called Sino and vaccine. The name of the third waiting is Can I Know Bio, this scene was done by Chinese pharma company Casino Bio, three people of corona virus near China. But big. The question is whether any one of these people is effective in defeating the virus. Somewhere, even these three Made in China vaccines are not in the same condition as the rest of China's products, currently they are selling their individuals to 43 countries of the world. With these countries, so far, he has made sales agreements of 74 crore 20 lakh people, to improve friendship relations with more than 74 crore countries, he has done 23 million three friends. Overall, China has so far delivered 20 million of these vaccines. Let us tell you about it with some examples, first of all you should know about Mongolia, the neighboring country of China. According to the World Bank, in 2019, the total population of Mongolia is 2.5 million 30,000, the total population of Mongolia is 32 million 30,000.
That 50% of the population has taken 2 days of the vaccine there. 50% of the population is fully vaccinated that the Iconic developed by the government has been applied. However, in contrast, in the last two weeks, there has been an increase of 70% in daily cases of corona in Mongolia. Even after Nikhil activation, the infection is spreading there, another example from Something Pair has earned crores per day. Has grown rapidly, do the people there and not the person, 60% of them are those who put the booster hobby of America's vaccine company Pfizer for the people who vaccinate China on the border of China, how much it is necessary for China It is shameful that even after applying its vaccine, people in Bahrain have to get Pfizer's ghost head. Let us tell you about another country that the name of the country is Sachi, this country is in this Africa, according to the vote bank, the total population of the country in 2019 is 97625, the population of the whole country is 9765. Both are friends. Here too, most of the people were put in the scene of the common person purchased from China and due to such a large population being a person, you should not fall there, but still fighting the case 400 new cases of corona virus daily in this country in the month of May. Cases were registered. The big thing is that among the people who have been infected. The list is very long so many Philippines are also included 1000 persons for free even the current president had blamed the person. We also have his picture today, but do you know what the President of the Philippines said after getting it attached to the Chinese bank? He said that he was regretting having installed China's vaccine went to Theses mistake.
Not only this, then he had sent back one thousand friends each of the three Khans sent by China. In the month of April, the Philippines had said that China's vaccine is unproven ie certified. In this, people who have applied all three forms of vaccine from China to Saudi Arabia, will not get entry in their country Then why are cases increasing in the countries that were used? The second question is that even after China, many countries are getting 5000 Pfizer pigeon hobbies. WHO will accept the matter, despite telling you, on June 2, WHO approved China's three-form vaccine for common agency use. Here it is all about how the person who did not have concrete results to be effective got a clean chit from WHO. It is just as if a student in a human passes without writing a question paper, the WHO has taken its decision about China.
Has been closed but the rating of many countries has been opened, Pakistan has got friends of one crore 280000 people so far. Despite this from China to Pakistan, in the last few days there are elders there. You have talked that Saudi Arabia has now done this thing that it will not allow people who have got China's 3-over and three-form vaccine to come to their country, since then there is a protest against this vaccine in Pakistan too. Opposition to China's Vaccine in Pakistan It is also a matter for you to understand that even if China's vaccine does not have a price, it may not mean that but the two neighboring countries of India are working on their own different strategy by auto-rating the vaccine page. Look at If we end our talk with a few words, then everyone will be here that there is no guarantee that Made in China is the same even today. Why should it not be a vaccine, but the status of Chinese vaccine in neighboring countries. Through this match, you can see which countries have given vaccines, donated, sold, distributed and donated.

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