New rules of social media in India
Today's biggest news is that the Indian government has found the vaccine for the online streaming platform that glamorizes the abuse and abuse of social media and today a very big and revolutionary decision has been taken and what is this decision. How this will change the lives of about 700 million people using the Internet in India, perhaps some peace will be achieved. Today we will describe it in simple language. A lot of people would say that whenever you go on social media, the atmosphere is very toxic. Big Toxic Happens Many of you complain that when you go on social media or.
If you go on the Internet, you no longer understand from where a news is going. Where is the right thing going on, what is going wrong, there is no control over the language, anyone is slandered and if you go to watch a web series on the OTT platform, then you can watch these web series with your family. Cannot be seen because they are filled with so much obscenity that you will not be able to sit and watch with your family and it is free of many in which your religious sentiments are hurt and everything happens in the name of freedom of expression But in the name of speaking in the name of creativity, fake news is spread. Fake news is spread in the name of truth.
The name of the expression and all this is presented to you by mixing untruth with such truth that you yourself do not understand what is true and what is false, today the Government of India has given every information that reaches you through the Internet, every news and entertainment. This is the Internet UK's Lakshman Rekha, which explains the difference between right and wrong, which exposes fake news and that freedom and rights come with responsibilities and these responsibilities Big foreign companies cannot put them on the switch board. Now remember him.
Unlimited cannot remain, but it has to be reined somewhere, today the government has announced such revolutionary guidelines and rules, stretching the boundaries, so that the shops of fake news will be closed and the foreign technology companies will be banned by the Constitution of India. And the law also has to be followed. Till now, all the big foreign tech companies used to say that we do not operate from India at all, from our server that is also not in India. Our staff also does not sit in India, so the laws of India will not apply to us. We will neither make laws nor pay taxes to the government of India. But all the money.
Will earn and will also feed the agenda and will continue to help India's enemies and all this will happen in the name of freedom of expression, so first of all today we want to tell you what are the new guidelines of the government regarding social media because it will help you throughout your life. Very big too. If there is going to be an impact, then the guidelines that have been issued today are sitting in two parts, one is for the technology companies related to social media. Jai Shree Twitter Facebook Instagram for WhatsApp The second part stands for Digital Media and OTT Platform. For online streaming companies, the first is about social media.
Let us tell you about the new guidelines created because you all will definitely be on social media. You must be using WhatsApp, you must be using Facebook and you must have gone to many other places. You must have gone on Twitter and here you are presented with lies and truth in such a way that you get confused.
Regarding this, 4 guidelines were issued, the first vehicle line social media platform will have to work according to the constitution and law of India. If any company does not do this or takes decisions against the Constitution and rules of India and acts arbitrarily, then strict action will be taken against them. Legal action will be taken i.e. the government has made it clear that now in the name of networking in India, these big foreign companies cannot do their arbitrariness. A separate system will now be created to listen and redress the grievances of the people on the second guideline social media platforms and it will be mandatory for all these companies to do so.
CB company will no longer get any concession in this, due to which a department of the government works on the grievances of the people. In the same way, these companies will also have to create this department and for this a grievance officer will have to be appointed. Whoever will be on this post, his name, his mobile number, his address and all other information about him will also have to be given to the government and if any person complains about any post or viral message to the company, then it will be the responsibility of the officer that this If the complaint is heard within 24 hours and its solution is also found within 15 days, then it means that if you are on social media from now on.
There is any objection to any post, someone is defaming you, someone is giving you wrong news. Somebody is spreading fake news. If someone is using abusive words, threatening, then now you can complain to that company to the nodal officer of some company and he will have to take action within 24 hours. If the post in that has to rebel back then that has to be done. He has to block whatever action has to be taken. Will be in 24 hours.
All technology companies, including Peepli Live, Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, will have to ensure that their user information, photos and videos are not misused, if objectionable pictures of any person are shared or nudity is promoted, then such posts Now it will have to be removed within 24 hours and the account of the person sharing such pictures will also have to be closed immediately. In such cases, apart from the victim, his family, relatives, friends and unknown people can also complain, these companies will not be able to ignore these complaints in any case, which till now used to be continuously.
And in the fourth guide line, the government has divided social media into two categories, in the first category from such social media platforms on which the number of users is in crores and in the second category are small technology companies, in which the number of users is less. Those who will come from the 5 big platforms is WhatsApp which has 53 crore users in India, the list is about 10 million Indians on the second number on WhatsApp. YouTube, which has more than 44 million users in India alone, Facebook with 410 million users, Instagram with 21 million users and Twitter with 107.5 million users.
If you are included in this rally, then it is the first category of social media or the thing to note is that Facebook WhatsApp Instagram belong to the same company. Now think about it. So many big platforms that we have just shown you five platforms, three of them are from the same company. It is said that the total number of districts in India increases, there are 115 crore 115 crore people who are connected on different platforms of Facebook. 115 crore people are using WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram together. From India's population in India alone.
The messages from the entire population are not only crores but from 181 countries of the world. The total population of the caste is less than 10 crores. Now you can guess the power of these companies, these social media platforms have to follow some strict rules and these rules are directly related to you. That's why you should listen to our words very carefully. 21 Compliance Officers will have to be appointed in the mechanism that will be created to listen to the grievances of the people on social media, who will ensure that the complaints of the people are taken under the law and this officer will be able to work only by staying in India. Its location in India should be in India and this.
He will work according to the rules of India, apart from this there will also be a nodal officer and this officer will be in touch with the investigating agencies of India and all the ministries of the Government of India. There will also be a Grievance Officer who will be accountable to the government and the people complaining and it will be the responsibility of the S Officer to take action on the complaint within the stipulated time and this complaint will be about Fake News. More photos will be about video and nudity, which was not heard till now, in the current system, these companies themselves now do what is wrong and what is right means they have their own court. They have their own judge. They have their own laws. They have their own constitution.
They do not follow the constitution of any country, do not follow the court of any country, do not follow the law of any country. They themselves decide which tweets are right, which are wrong on the day the violence took place on the Red Fort, they themselves decide which post to delete, which Twitter handle to block and which one. Do not block from that own court used to run but now it will not happen because the government has taken full care that the grievances of the people are heard and concrete steps are taken on them. You must have seen by now that there are many big companies that always present a double standard in front of you, for example there has been violence on America's capital, the parameters will be different.
If there has been violence on the Red Fort, then their criteria are different and because it does not obey the law of any country, it is their own law, so they did not listen to their governments. For this, all companies will have to tell the Government of India every month that how many people's complaints they received in the whole month and what action they have taken on them and those complaints. The government has also made strict laws to prevent fake news and messages promoting violence, under these rules.
Technology companies will have to tell who was the first person to share fake news and inflammatory messages i.e. who posted this inflammatory message or if there is any wrong information, it has to be told that it is now that news from a person spreads. Then soon after seeing this fake news reaches millions of people. People start retweeting, forwarding and it is very easy for the person to be called among millions.
Right now, we are still not able to reach such people who spread this news but now it will not happen, now social media platforms and companies will have to tell who was the first person to post this fake news so that that fake news to reach the root. We feel that due to this rule of the government, the shops of many of you should be closed. It is a matter of happiness that if the government gets information about such people from social media platforms, then legal action will be taken against these people for attacking national unity and integrity and in such cases there is a provision of imprisonment of 5 years or more. Apart from fake news, the government also made a very revolutionary rule regarding fake accounts.
Under this, companies will have to first verify the information related to their user. Till now you must have seen that many people are like this, the same person is running 10-10, 20-20, 50 50 accounts on the same platform. There are marketing agencies who make fake accounts, take money and then make anything trend. It is their business, they will take money from you and whatever message you want to send to me till date, they trend it because they have many fake accounts whose number is in thousands. Now many times it also happens that farmers' movement is going on in India but tweets are being made about it from Pakistan, many posts on social media are being made from Pakistan?
It is being done by sitting and sitting and someone is getting it done by paying all this money. Now this will not happen because as soon as that account posts it, it will be known where this account is. Now no one will be able to create an account in the name of the person. Where is the person writing inflammatory messages and posts against, operating from India, from Pakistan. What is it doing now you will be able to tell immediately where this to eat or where it came from and then the first person who posted it will be hooked.
It used to happen now that a person sitting in Pakistan or any other country took his name as Mohan for example, Indian citizen is not a citizen of India but he took any name like Indian citizen. Fake account was created and these people used to create accounts on Facebook or Twitter with such fake names and then write objectionable things against India. While these people are neither from India nor live in India, the government has made this new rule to prevent anyone from getting their names right and under this rule, if the user wants, then merit by himself.
Cation can also be done, companies delete any of your posts. If it suspends your account, then the government has now made such an arrangement, these companies will have to tell you a concrete reason behind doing so. Now it will not happen that their uncontrolled rule is going on openly and you will become like their subjects that you are a subject in their state and they will block you whenever they want under their law and their court, now it is not so. You can also ask yourself the reason behind taking such action from these companies. It will be your right to disclose information of government or court against India.
If we believe that such information will have to be removed from there immediately and these companies will no longer be able to do their own thing in it. The government has also issued new guidelines regarding digital media and OTT platforms today. Now you understand these also in 5 points, no one will be allowed to write anything on digital media and spread false news, which all TV channels have cable net.
Avatar like we are people we follow cable network act we can't pass any unverified information to you and we have to control our language and boss kind of things on which we die with a lot of restraint There are many things that we censor, a lot of pictures are good that we know that they should not be shown to you so that there would be many pictures born but you would remember when in America.
When Jabbar was attacked at 23:00, the media there did not show any dead body. They did not show it, did not show the violence, which they did not show the way the work environment was there, the print media has to work according to the Press Council of India. In the same way, the accountability of digital media will be fixed in the same way and they will have to follow many rules. For example, for spreading false news, you will have to apologize and give an explanation for it. The second point will be to work within the platform rules and like till now the movies you watch in cinema halls or on TV there is censor board for those movies, by which you call CBSE.
Modem is generally called in common language, then the censor board first looks at all the films, gives a certificate, passes that now this film is ok to show to the people, in the same way the platform should also be made a self-regulation body. It will be headed by a retired judge of the Supreme Court or High Court. Online streaming platforms will also arrange for age-wise certification and for this, films or series will be divided into five categories. The entire content first category will be universal. Films in this category will be considered family. Anyone can watch them, while people of any age can watch.
They should be kept in the category of 3 plus, 16 plus and adult above the age of u A7 plus 7 years. Till now there was no such system for films released online and for web series, due to which abuses were glamorized in the name of freedom of expression on these platforms. You were shown obscenity, you had to watch all the porn web series in the name of entertainment and violence was also justified and all this happened in the name of freedom of expression and creativity and you must have seen these for all of you sitting with family. It became impossible to watch the web series and people used to say that this.
How long will the blind race last? And now we were shown obscenity to see and hear what else on this and secondly, your religious sentiments were also openly hurt and that too was said by saying that this is freedom of expression. Children under the age of 13 cannot see them, now they have to put parental lock on them or not. Parents of children will have to tell that it is not for them in the movie and they will have parental lock on the parents of the children Whether or not the portal must comply with the rules of the Press Council of India and the Cable Networks Act, which are applicable to TVs.
The rules apply to newspapers, now the same rules will apply to all your websites. The government has said that all the rules will come into force after three months. 3 months time has been given to these technology companies, today the rules made regarding social media are being discussed across the country and wrong information on this.

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