Global Warming
Want to tell some things and lack in the whole world, no one talks about it for a while but after that it calls this topic as we are careless about our health. At the same time, we also show carelessness about the health of the earth and how serious consequences this negligence can give, now we want to get you to discuss it. First you see this picture.
The part that you see in the picture taken from the satellite is shaped like a tube, it is identified as the world's largest iceberg, in terms of total area of 320 square kilometers, then Delhi is 3 times bigger than a city like Delhi. It has an area of about 15 square kilometers. This means think big rocks of ice, think three cities like Delhi, the rocks of the bus have broken from Antarctica and gone towards the Southern Ocean at this time and we think that the health of the earth was a big symptom of deteriorating health.
The ice shelf has been shattered apart from the rocks present in the separate hostel Antarctica Mahadeo. In fact, I would not have been able to calculate the huge mountains of the class living near the glacier. Iceberg The world's largest iceberg antsier has been found, what is it sitting in the BC of the Southern Ocean at that time and this scientific is worrying news, then which countries are the reason for the melting, whatever you feel that when the whole world is struggling with crying If so, then how can global warming be a big threat, we tell you that glaciers melting rapidly.
But can also end human life, but the danger can be bigger than coronavirus and can also be serious, the things that are written in the books that the world will end, one reason for this will be the crushers, all the countries on the mountains of the world in Antarctica But 50 times more than that and if the whole world goes to the crusher then you know. What will happen, the temperature of the earth will increase by about 60 degrees .And it will become so much that it will become difficult for a person to live and a person will not be able to live in this heat, he cannot easily play the heat. The second result will be that the pure drinking water crisis in this world is pure drinking water. Friends will start fighting even for drinking water over tea. After a few years of this, the life of man on earth will be completely finished. Water is life, the health of the earth is also as important as your health The glaciers of 25 crore people living in the surrounding valleys.
What are the effects of global ?
They give water from those rivers, which in turn become a source of food, energy and income for about 165 crore people. A research has been warned in the report of the IPCC. It is a warning that Claire of the High Mountains may lose her once lost. The situation will also happen if humans are able to stop the emission of greenhouse gases and limit the world temperature to 2 °C. The same temperature is the increase in the average temperature of the earth due to the increase of greenhouse gases in carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons.
Global warming facts
Due to global warming, there has been a difference of 9 inches on average due to climate change. The difference of 9 inches and the sea level has increased by 9 inches and the main reason for this is that they burn due to fire and break and get mixed in the sea. That day the Suit for Climate in side says that 35% of the world's sea level has increased in the last 100 years due to the melting of glaciers .And it is estimated that in future the sea level rise will be limited to 30 to 50 cm due to melting of glaciers because now these play store
If you compare it with the ice sheets of England and India, then due to their melting, the sea level up to several dozen meters, in simple words, fast melting glaciers and breaking rocks seem to be a big factor in the deteriorating health of the earth and it is necessary for this. It is that the world should not limit this topic to seminars and symposiums and it should be expanded among the common people also, at this time there is a restriction for all the countries that carbon emissions should be reduced. Greenhouse because of its carbon emissions means more carbon dioxide present in Earth's atmosphere is dangerous .Keep them and then in this way the temperature of the earth increases, you can understand the whole world from your pictures that the pictures are after the storm in the western states of India. After this storm, you must have seen that a lot of dilute garbage collected on the sea shores. Why does the person who we put into the sea but thrown back into the sea in the form of a storm in the form of a storm?
Ask yourself what the ocean wants to say to you, what the catastrophe wants to say that our oceans want to tell you that a garbage is not good for their health. It is not good and humans should not put this waste in the sea and end it in other ways. KBC happened because every year 8 tons of garbage is thrown into the sea by humans. The people who throw garbage are none other than the ones for whom they have a home.
Warning at sea. Been repeatedly warned of global warming. So sometimes he told the person that he should not play, only then he put it on the glacier, but this time he gave a warning because of the storm, then thousands of tons of garbage which the dumping yard considered the sensible person to be back in that sea.
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