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Coronavirus का Delta Plus Variant है 'Variant of Concern' | COVID-19 New Strain

Coronavirus का Delta Plus Variant है 'Variant of Concern' | COVID-19 New     Strain 

 The Union Health Ministry on Wednesday said that around 40 cases of the delta plus variant of the Coronavirus, classified as a 'variant of concern', have been reported. These cases have been found in Maharashtra, Kerala and Madhya Pradesh. The delta variant itself can also be the reason for the upcoming third wave of COVID-19.

केंद्रीय स्वास्थ्य मंत्रालय ने बुधवार को कहा कि कोरोना वायरस के डेल्टा प्लस वेरिएंट, जिसे 'variant of concern' के रूप में वर्गीकृत किया गया है, के लगभग 40 मामले सामने आ चुके हैं। ये मामले महाराष्ट्र, केरल और मध्य प्रदेश में पाए गए हैं। डेल्टा वेरिएंट ही आने वाली कोरोना की तीसरी लहर का कारण भी हो सकता है।

'Variant of Concern'

corona virus, it is the Kaur virus that is troubled by India. The whole world is upset, the Ministry of Health has accepted the delta plus variant covariant of concern of Corona. There are two grounds for assuming any virus covariant of concern, either that virus is spreading rapidly or I am dying more due to it, that is, it is more dangerous, so it is considered in the worrying category, so the government is now accepting it. It has been taken that the Delta Plus variant of Corona is spreading rapidly in the country and that is why it has been considered as a variant of concern or not, so far 40 people across the country are worried about the new variant of Corona.

'Variant of Concern' has found that 40 is not a very big number, only 40 you can also say but when this 40 will become 4000 and then it will become four lakh and less than four lakh will become 4000000. No one can say because it is being said that it spreads many times faster than its old variant. Infects many times more rapidly and harms you many times more. That is why the mortality rate is high in Kerala, this variant is spreading rapidly in Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra. Therefore, the central government has written a letter to these three states, advising them to make a containment zone to prevent this, that you should make a containment zone.

 COVID-19 New     Strain 

Wherever this variant is found and take it seriously, how dangerous is this variant, you will understand from the fact that this variant of corona sticks fast on your lungs. Sticks many times faster than before and destroys it very quickly and this variant in the body. Also rapidly degrades monoclonal antibodies. Monoclonal antibodies in the body of a corona infected patient are prepared from a cocktail of drugs and a few days ago, antibodies cocktail has been started in India for corona patients. But now the government says that Delta Plus variant not get to see any effect of cell. This is the same yesterday that was given to former US President Donald Trump.

Tell in simple language, now you understand that the new variant of Delta which has come Delta Plus, it infects faster than ever before and spreads faster than before on your lungs than before. Will cling much faster and will harm your lungs more than the first variant and the risk of dying in it is more than ever in simple language, the result of the whole job that the doctor has told you just now is . It is very strange in our country, whenever there is such a disease, not only the government, not the hospital, not the doctors, not the nurses, the whole country has to fight such diseases with such calamities and what happens to the country, is the country, society.


 There is a country in that country. people living in the country. The country is made of people, there are also a large number of people who helped their people in the era of corona virus, helped to help the people of the society, who did not even know, but there are people in our own society who are doing this. When any kind of calamity comes, they are ready to fall to any extent to earn money. That's why you must have seen that even in this difficult period, there were ambulances running in our country who asked for money and recovered something from the patients at that time. Hospitals were also such that they asked for money, collected that jam at that time of trouble and earned them money. There were people who at that time.

You must have also seen such people black marketing of stolen medicines of brothers. You must have also seen such people that when doctors said that eat this mango, eat this vegetable, eat this fruit. This will only increase your minutes, so suddenly the price of those fruits in the market has increased manifold. So people have done corruption in their own way, they have filled their pockets in the bad phase of this corona virus, they have cheated their own people and they have made it like this by cutting the pockets of their people.

                                                                                                                                                                                                   BY RAM EXAM.COM

Coronavirus का Delta Plus Variant है 'Variant of Concern' | COVID-19 New Strain Coronavirus का Delta Plus Variant है 'Variant of Concern' | COVID-19 New Strain Reviewed by ramexam on June 24, 2021 Rating: 5

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