Inoculating Against Fake News About COVID-19
In the beginning, I told you that there is a lot of fasting today, but most of them are fake news because nowadays, they are spreading all the fake news about the news, one after the other, they have just talked to you, which is done through Twitter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . And some blue ticked journalists of our country, people who make themselves fit and opposition leaders, listen to them on social media, Naxal Coordinator Gaurav Pani of Congress Party today quoted an RTI to claim that Corona That which is a vaccine manufactured in the country, whose name is Kuwait Inkhub, it has been in it for 20 days.
The serum of the children of the aged cow is used, in English, it is called ka serum. The Kama means cow's calf and labor means complete detail. He explains to you in simple words, many components are made up of Saini elements which are your blood such as white blood cells, red blood cells, vitamins, plasma, and antibodies, and when all the components are separated from it after they are gone. If you go, how can soldier Gaurav Pandey color it with the liquid which is a child in it? This liquid of cow's calf is mixed in the well of Lai, but the RTI quoted was claimed.\
Misinformation About COVID-19
Does she also say the same thing, it is important for all of you to understand it, otherwise this fake news will confuse you because the difference between right and wrong information is only a few words and such people become experts in making fake news by twisting the words. It's over Now how did this happen, now you understand? Today the Government of India put brakes on this and shared the correct information on this with the people, which I am sharing with you, under this the government told me that I am completely wrong about the fact that I got the serum of a cow's calf. What is the correct information, now it is understood that the dead cells of the maximum coronavirus are prepared and this work is done in different stages? The peak of the cow-calf is only for developing the ware on cells, that is to say, this serum acts as an agent in the growth of the ware on cell and when these ware on self develop then they are given water and water. Washed several times with chemicals. So that even a fraction of lions in me.
After being saved, these heroic cells are infected with the coronavirus. Simply put, the coronavirus is mixed in these cells. Only after this, the virus starts making its copy in it. In this process of virus growth, Bhairo cells are destroyed and after this stage, only this virus settles in it. After this, this virus is also beaten to death. It is killed because it is a dead virus vaccine, after killing the virus, it is washed again with water and chemical so that the cow's calf is saved in it and after this whole process, this dead-virus means vaccine from a dead virus. gets ready.
The peak of a cow's calf is not left after that, what is this process, which scientists are using for many decades, not today, to make a person, and the world's major diseases which are formed from this process from a person, for example, The entire B influenza vaccine is made under this process and now the question is when there was never any objection to this person, then how did it stand after today and where did the fake news come from because A vaccine people of our own country Lagwa is ready for decades after years, but then no one has reported this. You might not know that on average every person in India is locked up by the age of 16.
By the age of 16, 15 people have not even been applied, which you are getting, most of the people have already got 10 to 15 vaccines before this, many children are put after birth and some of the main people has C, which is the first There is a vaccine, let's do it BCG, the second vaccine is for hepatitis B, the third vaccine is of polio, which is given to children by polio drops and four drops at times. In January this year, one drop of polio was administered to 11 crore children in the country. But didn't any such thing come up at that time and?
How is the Spread of Misinformation Harming Societal Response to the Pandemic?
Like this and many more that vaccine is coming on your screen. is given to you. But there was never any controversy regarding the scenes in them. Adding all these things together, under India's National Immunization Campaign, by the age of 16, children have had more than 15 mixtures and most of them are made from the consumption of animals. But the Congress coordinator spread this lie on social media and the RTI which he shared does not support his words. It is only a game of words, I am in RTI, things have also been written, the process of which we have just told you Gaurav Bandhi told another lie to the country today and that is that cow calves are killed for their serum, they are killed While this is not true. This is very big fake news that is loaded with the gunpowder of communalism today.
A scene maker Bharat Biotech, a Hyderabad-based company, has also issued a statement calling this news false and misleading and the government has also called it fake news. Right now the same question is whether Twitter will suspend Gaurav Pandey's account, why to spread it, and will he be robbed of this. This is the question that someone tells about fake news. Last night at 10:27, the international news agency Reuters, while publishing the news, claimed that the Indian government was also concerned about reducing the gap between the race defect of the send vaccine from 12:00 to 16 weeks. Scientists differed, this news was printed on the front page of many newspapers today and quoted this news agency as saying that the decision to increase the gap between the races of the Wish in Vaccine was not taken in the advisory group, but This is not true it is also a piece of fake news.
Leveraging Insights From Psychology: Inoculating Against COVID-19 Misinformation
The Health Ministry had announced on 13 May itself that the difference between the two of the severe vaccine would now be from 12:00 to 16:00 instead of 4 to six weeks and then the government had informed that the decision was taken by the National Technical Advisory Group and the National Technical Advisory Group. Immunization recommendations have been taken. It monitors the different vaccination campaigns and their impact in India and guides the government. It was his decision, but news agency Reuters claims that at least three members of this advisory group have told him that they were not in favor of making the difference between the two countries 12 to 16 and that it was not in favor of the election. Members wanted the difference to be from 8:00 to 12:00 but?
The central government did not accept this, we tell you the names of the three members whose report is being looked into by us. The first is MD Gupta, the second is Dr. Matthew Vargi and the third is Dr. JP Molyal. 12 to 16 weeks should not be done. It is claimed that Dr. Mathew Varghese also said the same thing and in this report, while courting the people of Dr. JP, he has written the same thing. But the truth is, now let me tell you what I will tell you at this time.
What I am telling you at this time is now a press release issued by the Union Health Ministry, in which it is written that China also met twice in the camp to increase the gap between the two, in which the first meeting was held on 10 May. . In this, eight people including the head of Comedy Working Group NK Arora were involved and among them was Dr. JP Malayal. And I do not mention anywhere that any member of the Advisor has opposed this decision during this meeting. It is written in this that all the members gave their consent to this and this decision was taken by a study done by the UK agency Public Health England.
was taken based on In this study it was found that if there is a difference of 12 weeks between the distance of the person giving the extra, which is also used in the name of the shield in India, then it makes the vaccine 65 to 88 percent effective. Considering this as the basis, this decision was taken, but later it was given the form of fake news and on May 13, before the decision was taken by the central government, another meeting was held on the same day in which the Standing Technical Sub Committee of Zee Group. 13 members of the IS had attended and the big thing is that on that day none of these members disagreed with this decision, while the news agency tells Reuters that it happened, now who will you listen to and who will not?
This list again remembers that the government does not have a strong basis written in this report which is why we are saying that this is fake news. From this, you understand from the fact that Reuters claimed in its report that Dr. Matthew Varghese had spoken to him, while in some media reports it has been said that there was a doctor match, which never spoke to Rotor but we would like these three who From Scientists and Dr.
We should come out in the open and tell the country whether the news published by Reuters News Agency in their name is true, have they really said this or they have not said so, we would also like to say this to these three doctors today, Would like to appeal that they should come openly in front of the country and refute this news because fake news is being spread in the country in their name, which will create apprehensions in the minds of those who vaccinate, so check such a big international news agency Also join the race of fake news, today we have spoken to Dr. NK Arora, Chairman, National Technical Advisory Group Foundation and during this he gave us.
The first thing is that when initially there was a gap of 406 weeks of 4 to 6 months between the race of the particular race, for this the scientists considered the results of the trial as the basis. According to the results of the trial, if it is applied between three to four to six weeks, then it can be more effective, but after the train, when this vaccine was used extensively in different countries, then after the correct results of its effectiveness. I came to know but it is not that the review has been done in India alone sir.
In December last year, the vaccine was approved to give such a vaccine in Britain, then there the gap between the two was kept only 12 weeks but from yesterday it was changed to 8 weeks. Although the difference has been worked only for people over 40 years, apart from this, there is only a 12 to 16 difference between this vaccine in Canada and Sri Lanka is working on this formula. Apart from this, in Spain, the difference is only 12 to 16 weeks. Earlier we were telling you about the fake news spread on Wish Inn, on this, we have talked to my doctor NK Arora today. Especially the one who is the chairman of the advisory group, you listened carefully to him.
Movies Injection Tomorrow! A lot of fake news is spreading nowadays, many leaders especially the opposition leaders and a very big group are engaged in this to create fear among you people about the vaccine and people in this country should not get the vaccine because all these people think that they are looking at linking this vaccine to a particular party. This vaccine belongs to the party, neither it belongs to the government, nor is the government deciding in this matter. Scientists are taking this decision and doctors decide that's why they have listened to their scientists and their doctors and don't believe this kind of fake news at all and go and get the vaccine as soon as you get the first chance, I will give you my example I can tell by giving I took both vaccines.
After that, I got a corona infection but today after 1 month I am again standing in front of you with the same energy and I am in front of you. It was only possible because I had a vaccine policy. Otherwise, I might not have been here in front of you today, someone else would have been presenting my place, so understand this thing carefully.
Fake news in social media Coronavirus

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